Shanghai High School

Overview Of Digital Campus


Shanghai High School pays great attention to gifted students’ adapting to the development of digital environment. We have studied intensively on the challenges the digital age has brought to school education, and we have tried our best to create a digital campus for the sake of our students.


We undertook a key project in the educational technology field as part of the eleventh national five-year plan. It was calledthe Construction of a Digital Campus and the Practical Research on Digital Learning Environments. What’s more, we undertook a municipal project focused on educational science. We analyzed how to react to digital challenges for middle schools in the educational reform process, and started practical exploration on how to improve students’ information literacy.

● We carried out in-depth analysis on the challenges of curriculum, moral education, instruction, teachers’ professional development, school management and campus construction brought by digitalization. As a result, a book with the name ofConfronted with Digital Challengeof more than 200 thousands words came out which concluded some experience in the process of the ten-years-long high schools’ educational reform from a national education technology experimental school’s standpoint and showed serious consideration about how to cope with the challenge of gifted students’ sustainable development caused by the digital environment for every school.

● Under the policy ofRolling and Updating with a Moderate Advancing Step, our digital environment got a full coverage and continued promotion. Since 1997, we have invested in hardware and infrastructure in batches with a total number of 14,850 thousands Yuan. However, the digital hardware of Shanghai High School always keeps ahead in the middle schools citywide even nationwide.


★ Shanghai High School is one of the earliest schools to have been equipped with computers and open computer courses.

★ We are the first school to adopt Novell in Shanghai.

★ In 1996, we took the lead in constructing and opening the campus network; In April 1997, the campus network was connected with the Internet; In 2000,the campus network was upgraded to Gigabit Ethernet.

★ SHSID is the very first campus fully covered by wireless network in Shanghai in 2002.

★ In 2003, we were the first among all the middle schools nationwide to build the MP network, a real-time communication system for videos and audios.

★ In November 2005,the bandwidth of the campus network was optimized to 20 Mbps and the schools owned up to 32 external IP addresses.

★ In June 2007, Shanghai High School became the only school in the country set up with a TOEFL.

★ Our campus network is connected to that of Shanghai Jiaotong University using fiber optics with bandwidth up to 100 Mbps and about 150 exclusive IP addresses for TOEFL tests.

★ We can offer 4 sites and nearly 230 seats for TOEFL and became the biggest TOEFL center in the country in 2008.

★ In April 2009, the bandwidth of the wireless network in the campus was optimized to 300 Mbps with the support from Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

★ In 2010, we took the lead in putting advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing into practice.

Currently, we have more than 500 laptops and more than 800 desktop computers with processing speed equivalent to or better than that of Pentium III. Meanwhile, there are thousands of computers that can be running together on the network with high capacity and high speed in a stable and secure way, which effectively supports the integration of curricula and management with the digital technology. Such integration creates a sound environment for school’s educational activities.