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Master Teachers


Master Teacher Feng Zhigang

Feng Zhigang is the Principal of Shanghai High School, a Master Teacher   and a Senior-Level Teacher in mathematics, who also enjoys special allowances   from the State Council. Currently, he serves as a Standing Council Member of   the Chinese Society of Education, a Council Member of the Chinese   Mathematical Committee, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Mathematical Committee,   Vice Director of the Shanghai Educational Master's Program Advisory   Committee, and Special National Superintendent of Schools.

He has served as coach for the Chinese national team at the   International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) multiple times and has been the Vice   Leader of the Chinese IMO team five times. Under his leadership, students   have won a total of 12 gold medals at the International Mathematical   Olympiad. He has received numerous honors, including the Su Buqing   Mathematics Education Award and the title of National Outstanding Teacher.

Feng Zhigang has also contributed to the writing and editing of multiple   book series, with a cumulative publication of nearly 2 million words.

Master Teacher Zhu Zhen

Zhu Zhen is the Vice Principal of Shanghai High School, a Master Teacher   and a Senior-Level Teacher in physics. He supervises the teaching affairs at   the Local Division. He primarily focuses on high school physics teaching and   comparative studies of physics curricula in domestic and international   secondary schools. He has published numerous papers in journals such as Physics   Teaching.

Master Teacher Chen Xiangrui

Chen Xiangrui is a Master Teacher and a Senior-Level Teacher in music at   secondary school. She joined Shanghai High School in 1996 and currently   serves as the head of the Music Group. She is the organizer and head of the   Shanghai Student Art Single Event Competition, 'Shanghai High School Cup'   Piano Competition and the hostess of Master Teacher Studio in Xuhui District.   She is also a recipient of Pioneer Award in Xuhui District and had won the   Cultivation Award, the Outstanding Art General Guidance Award, the Excellent   Instructor Award in teaching evaluations, and Rongchang Talent Award in Xuhui   District.

Master Teacher Fan Xinqiang

Fan Xinqiang is the Vice Secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai High   School, a Master Teacher in Chinese, and a part-time graduate mentor at   Shanghai Normal University. He is also expert for the national junior high   school examination assessment under the National Ministry of Education.

He has received numerous honors, including the First Prize in the   'Sifang Cup' National Excellent Chinese Teacher Competition, the First Prize   in the Shanghai Young and Middle-aged Teaching Evaluation Competition, and   the Shanghai Gardeners Award.

Fan Xinqiang has participated in the compilation of the Shanghai Chinese   Extensive textbook Comprehensive Chinese Learning, the teacher's   edition of the unified version of national textbook Chinese, the   exercise book for the same textbook, and the online teaching program 'Sky   Classroom' in Shanghai.

Master Teacher Li Fengyun

Li Fengyun is the Vice Director of the Teaching Affairs Office of   Shanghai High School. He is a participant in the Shanghai Distinguished Principals and Teachers Training Base and a   member of the Seventh Advanced Research seminar for Outstanding Teachers in   the Education System in Xuhui District. He has published more than ten   research articles on educational and teaching practices in core and other   academic journals.