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2012 SHS Model United Nations School-Wide Conference


On May 4thand 5th, SHS Model UN School-Wide Conference was held at the Media Center. It is one of the most important activities of the SHS Model UN, and it has been held for three years. In the conference, students played the roles of diplomats from different countries to discuss international issues, which enhanced their sense of responsibility and civic awareness. At the same time, the Model UN also provides a platform for communication between the Local and International Divisions.

‘Oil’ was the keynote of the conference. The topic for the Chinese Session was Oil Trade and Security Issues in Middle East; the English Session was International Oil Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region & Other Security Issues. The little diplomats expressed their views on international events ranging from oil price control, oil transportation security to the dispute on South China Sea. There were times when the competition was fierce, and there were times when the diplomats strived for the same goal with joined hands.

The SHS Model UN School-Wide Conference came to an end after all the awards were announced.