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Reading School (UK)’s seven-day Exchange Program at SHS


On October 23rd, 6 teachers and 13 students headed by their vice principal arrived from Reading School, a school situated in the UK, and started their 7-day exchange program at SHS.

This is the first inter-school event between Reading and SHS. All of the visiting students had studied Chinese and were very interested in Chinese culture. On the day of arrival, all the teachers and students received a cordial welcome from Principal Tang and they were all impressed by the beautiful campus, advanced facilities as well as the learning atmosphere of an internationally reputed high school. On Oct.24th, the Vice Principal of Reading, their Chinese teacher and student representative were interviewed by “SHS Interview”, an interview program produced by SHS students. Throughout the following days, they also visited Shanghai landmarks such as the Yu Garden, the Shanghai Museum, the Pearl Tower, and the city of Hangzhou, a “Paradise on Earth”. The 7-day stay in Shanghai was an unforgettable experience for all of the guests and it left them a good impression of Shanghai High School.

Check out their interview program:http://tv.shs.cn/shstv/html/szft/2011/1027/118.html