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Principal Feng’s Best Wishes to the Class of 2015 (Summary)


Dear students, parents, and teachers,

Good morning! Today, the students seated are going to graduate from Shanghai High School International Division and leave SHSID for all corners of the world. I’d like to offer you a slogan — Pack your bags; the journey begins.

If the student is a kite, the string that is attached to the kite has been held by the parents and teachers. Ever since the childhood, you have continued to fly higher and farther. However, after today — your graduation day, both your parents and teachers, who used to grasp the string tightly, will let it go. They will see you off and also wish you the best in their hearts. A great person should have the ambition to conquer the world, so traveling afar is a necessity.

I can still remember when I was 18 years old, I packed my backpack and luggage and left my small town for the metropolitan city of Shanghai. It has been 30 years since then, but I could still recall every single detail of the place or the moment. Compared to Daniel Cai’s talents in academic study and extracurricular activities, or Masaru’s gifts in sports, I don’t have any of those talents that are worth mentioning. Yet, we share one thing in common —we pack our luggage and start the journey at the same age. This is an age that you should take the most pride in, because you will not fear the unfamiliar environment nor the unknown challenges. Having all the great dreams in your mind, and without too much preparation, you simply pack your luggage and start the long journey. Thirty years ago, I, myself, who had never seen a train before, took the green train from Changsha to Shanghai on my own, carrying my luggage and holding a bag of fruits for the trip. I might have been a small figure, but I definitely had a great heart, and I was filled with happiness and pride.

Maybe, students of today are different from who we used to be. For people of my generation, if we could get into the college, it was awesome; if we could study in those top universities, we were as genius. Talking to the Grade 12 homeroom teachers, I learnt that a lot of you made full use of your diligence and talents to enter your dream schools, including those top universities, like Stanford University, Cornell University, or famous Liberal Arts Colleges, as well as world renowned arts colleges and a famous U.S. military academy. Congratulations on your achievements! Some students might not be satisfied with the colleges they plan to attend, and I would like to remind you, “Don’t give up! If you cannot win at the beginning, cheer up and make more effort to ensure that you won’t lose at the destination. Life is like a marathon and our school has high expectations of you — please try to do something to benefit the whole world. However, we also have humble expectations of you — be an honest and kind person who enjoys every day of your life.

Ladies and Gentlemen, starting from tomorrow, you will leave SHSID to further study and improve yourself. However, wherever you go and whether you are successful or not, please remember that your Alma Mater is your home forever.

Now pack your bags, the journey begins. Please accept my best wishes!

Thank you!