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Good News from Grade 12


There has been some good news lately regarding college applications from Grade 12. Three students were accepted by top UK universities. They are Andrew Tan from 12(1), who got an offer from the London School of Economics and Political Science; Michael Li from 12(1), who got an offer from Imperial College; and Vivie Liu from 12(3), who got an offer from University College London. The University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, the London School of Economics, the University of Oxford, and University College London are the top five universities in the UK and are often referred to as the “G5.” They represent the apex of scientific research and staff quality in the UK. Furthermore, these three universities are members of the Russell Group. The Russell Group is tantamount to the UK version of the Ivy League. Let's all congratulate these fine students on their achievements!(Written: PAN Tingting, Picture: PAN Tingting)