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Betty Barr, Survivor of WWII Japanese Internment Camp at SHSID, Speaks to Student Assembly


On Thursday, April 9, 2015, Ms. Betty Barr, the 82 year old last remaining survivor of the Lunghwa Civilian Assembly Centre still living in Shanghai, came to our campus to speak to students about her life here as an internee from 1943-1945 and answer questions from students. Before her appearance she answered questions submitted by the Campus History Club in a video interview which will be used in a guide computer app the club is working on. Then, with the club faculty adviser Sven Serrano and history department head Yunuo Li she made her way to the Annex auditorium where nearly 75 students were waiting to hear her talk.

Our SHSID students enthusiastically asked Betty numerous questions about details of camp life and Betty did her best to tell them what was like to live through a war as a young girl. She showed the old green enamel bowl and plate she kept from the camp time, as well as the small blue five year diary her mother meticulously kept through the war. She also showed us the get well card SHSID students sent her last year when she was sick and was unable to visit our campus. Betty received enthusiastic applause and thanks after her remarks and we hope she can return and speak to us again next year!