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The 65th Alumni Academician Jin Yaqiu Opens the First Chapter of


To celebrate the 150 anniversary of Shanghai High School, our school will be holding a series of activities called "alumni academician on campus.” On the opening ceremony, on February 26th, one of the alumni academicians, Mr. Jin Yaqiu, opened the first chapter of the "alumni academician on campus" by giving a speech to all the SHS students.

On that day, after Principal Feng Zhigang received Mr. Jin, they talked about the recent years' rapid development of SHS. Mr. Jin was later interviewed by the media group of students, and shared his memory of learning at SHS. He told us, thanks to the education of SHS, the years at SHS had influenced every step in his life, especially his way of thinking, his outlook on life, and values. Mr. Jin believes that the cultivation of innovative talents is a comprehensive discipline foundation, of innovation quality and exploring ability. 2049 will be the 100th anniversary of PRC, it is a great time for the current students to fulfill their aspirations to realize the dream of China.