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SHS CPC Committee Had A Meeting


At 12:40 PM, Nov.15th, Shanghai High School CPC Committee held an extensive meeting in the conference room of Yi Fu Building. CPC members of the Party from different departments of the School attended the meeting.

On the meeting, Mr. Wang Hui, the CPC General Secretary of SHS first introduced the key spirit in the “Report of the 18thNational Congress of CPC”. Then Secretary Wang made two requirements to further implement the spirit of the report: 1. Implement the spirit into their daily work and studies; 2. Make role models in implementing the spirit.

3:10 PM, Nov. 16th, all teaching faculty and staff learned the key spirit of the report in different groups. Every teacher and staff member received a summarized version of the report, and reflected their understanding of the spirit by answering questions about the report. (CPC Committee of SHS)