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2016 Commencement


On June 8th, 2016, the graduation ceremony for Class of 2016 was held at the school auditorium. The auditorium was specially decorated to celebrate the new beginning of graduates.

Attendants of this graduation ceremony were Principal Mr. FENG Zhigang, SHSID High School Principal Mr. Ma Feng, SHSID Junior and Primary School Principal Mr. LIU Lian, and all other directors. At 9 o'clock, parents entered the auditorium guided by volunteers. The whole auditorium was full. The photos of Class 2016 were published on the screen. With the host’s official announcement of the opening of the graduation ceremony, all the graduates, wearing the graduation gowns, came into the auditorium, surrounded by the applause from all parents and teachers.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the school Ensemble played for everyone. When the march was over, everyone saluted to the graduates for their last performance in SHSID Wind Ensemble. Next, Principal Feng delivered a speech to review all the achievements made by students from Class of 2016. He also sent his best wishes to all graduates. Jeffery Fu, student representative, and Chelsey Wu’s father, delivered speeches to send their best wishes to all students. A wide range of awards were announced, including Awards for Excellence in Sports, Awards for Good Behavior and Awards for Rapid Progress. And the students who got Social Activities, Good Study and Excellent Study would come onto the stage to be awarded by the Head teachers and Director. When the video of 10 Honor Students Candidates was published on the screen, everyone applauded for their great achievements. The host announced the names of 6 students who finally won this honor. They, as well as their parents, came onto the stage and were awarded by Principal Ma.

Afterwards, every students were awarded the diploma by Principals and Director Liu Qin. Students were very excited and they also understood the meaning of this diploma —— they all grew up. By the end of the graduation ceremony, Bobo Huang and Sabrina, presented the school with a graduation gift on behalf of all students

The music, “Try Everything”, was being played. All graduates stood up and sang the song to recall all their best memories at SHSID and showed their gratitude to the teachers, parents, and their friends. With the words of "Happy graduation! Good luck!", all graduation hats were being highly thrown.

Goodbye, graduates! We wish you all the best!

(Written by PAN Tingting Picture by LI Yingzi)
